Friday, February 17, 2012

India Rides Again

I had another cold this week (that's three in the last three months), the weather was cold and damp and the skies were gray, and I was definitely dreaming of California or Costa Rica or just about anyplace warm and sunny.  Then I got an email from my agent that the publisher wants a fourth India Black by the end of this year.  That piece of news lifted my spirits and now I think I might make it until spring.


  1. I feel you -- I've been battling a cold for the last four weeks -- or a series of colds -- and I could sooo use a nice sunny beach! However, I am thrilled to read this about India -- hooray!! That brightens my day!

  2. Hi Carol!
    That is incredible news! Congratulations!
    Emery Lee

  3. Great news - I'm in the middle of Widow of Windsor and India is still a hoot! Can't wait to read more.

  4. Feel Better Carol. I started with a sinus infection post holidays and 4 rounds of antibiotics later I ended up kicking bronchitis. It has been a doozy!

    Congrats on the India news. I'm telling're some hot stuff!

  5. THanks, ladies. Good to hear from you all. I appreciate the kind words about #4. Sorry to hear, Priya and Audra, about your bouts with viruses of various sorts. Almost everyone I know is sick right now. I hate winter.

  6. Congratulations! I hope for many many more India Black novels!

  7. Greetings from Spain, Carol!
    Amazing news! I am such a fan of India/French/Vincent that it is great to know we will be enjoying them more and more.
    I have just finished the Widow of Windsor and can't wait for the next one ... is there an approx pub date?

  8. I've sent you an email, Alicia, with an update. Then I remembered that I should really be responding here, so that everyone else is in the know. I'm still waiting for a publication date from my editor, and will let you know as soon as I do. I am planning a short story for India and her comrades to tide everyone over until India #3 comes out. More on that later.

  9. Brilliant news, Carol!! Feel better soon!

  10. Thanks, Dee. I'm on the mend and staring at the computer screen.
