Monday, August 20, 2012

Writing Under the Influence

After a hellacious summer, the weather has been delightful here.  I've been taking advantage of it by churning out my daily quota of 2,000 words while sitting on the back porch.  Saturday morning I set up shop, with my  laptop, reading glasses, outline and cup of tea at hand, and started typing.  A gentle breeze wafted through the trees, bringing the unmistakable odor of cannabis.  And not just the faint scent of a spliff.  For a moment, I thought the county sheriff had cracked a major drug ring and was destroying a bale or two of the stuff.  The smell lingered for quite a long time.  I haven't proofed my work from Saturday yet.  I'm almost afraid to read it, the effects of second-hand smoke being what they are.


  1. HAHAHAHA! That's too funny Carol :) India and French under the influence of cannabis. Were either you or they hungry after your writing session?!

    i had a weird experience with second hand "smoke" I went with my college roommate to my first ever concert and she LOVED Areosmith. Well I guess about half way through the concert i was higher than a kite and crazy for pancakes. God Bless Denny's

  2. Come to think of it, I did find a few chocolate chips in the cupboard and just had to eat them! Thank God there was only a handful, or I'd have finished the whole bag.

  3. Hilarious! Here's hoping you won't have to do much rewriting. ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'll bet I do, Audra. It was potent stuff. Of course, I could have just gone inside.

  6. It's a shame that you'll probably never let us see what you wrote while under the influence...It would be interesting to see what India has to say when you're floating on a cloud of cannabis. :-)
